@article{821161, author = {Bin Li and Xili Cui and Dan O'Nolan and Hui-Min Wen and Mengdie Jiang and Rajamani Krishna and Hui Wu and Rui-Biao Lin and Yu-Sheng Chen and Daqiang Yuan and Huabin Xing and Wei Zhou and Qilong Ren and Guodong Qian and Michael Zaworotko and Banglin Chen}, title = {An Ideal Molecular Sieve for Acetylene Removal from Ethylene with Record Selectivity and Productivity}, year = {2017}, number = {29}, month = {2017-12-20 00:12:00}, publisher = {Advanced Materials}, url = {https://tsapps.nist.gov/publication/get_pdf.cfm?pub_id=923500}, language = {en}, }