@article{818336, author = {Patricia Holden and Jorge Gardea-Torresdey and Frederick Klaessig and Ronald Turco and Monika Mortimer and Kerstin Hund-Rinke and David Avery and Damia Barcelo and Renata Behra and Yoram Cohen and Laurence Deydier-Stephan and Barbara Harthorn and Danail Hristozov and John Johnston and Agnes Kane and Larry Kaputska and Arturo Keller and Hunter Lenihan and Wess Lovell and Catherine Murphy and Roger Nisbet and Elijah Petersen and Martin Scheringer and Monita Sharma and David Speed and Yasir Sultan and Jason White and Eva Wong and Baoshan Xing and Meghan Steele Horan and Hilary Godwin and Andre Nel}, title = {Considerations of Environmentally-Relevant Test Conditions for Improved Evaluation of Ecological Hazards of Engineered Nanomaterials}, year = {2016}, month = {2016-06-08 00:06:00}, publisher = {Environmental Science and Technology}, url = {https://tsapps.nist.gov/publication/get_pdf.cfm?pub_id=919987}, language = {en}, }