@article{816281, author = {Zhe Wang and Kao-Hsiang Liu and Peisi Le and Mingda Li and Wei-Shan Chiang and Juscelino Leao and John Copley and Madhu Tyagi and Andrey Podlesnyak and Alexander Kolesnikov and Chung-Yuan Mou and Sow-Hsin Chen}, title = {Boson Peak in Deeply Cooled Confined Water: A Possible Way to Explore the Existence of the Liquid-to-Liquid Transition in Water}, year = {2014}, number = {112}, month = {2014-06-13 00:06:00}, publisher = {Physical Review Letters}, url = {https://tsapps.nist.gov/publication/get_pdf.cfm?pub_id=915415}, language = {en}, }