@article{815886, author = {Kristen Baroudi and Cindi Yim and Hui Wu and Qingzhen Huang and John Roudebush and Eugenia Vavilova and Hans-Joachim Grafe and Vladislav Kataev and Bernd Buechner and Huiwen Ji and Changyang Kuo and Zhiwei Hu and Tun-Wen Pi and Chiwen Pao and Jyhfu Lee and Daria Mikhailova and Liu Tjeng and R. Cava}, title = {Structure and Properties of α-NaFeO2-type Ternary Sodium Iridates}, year = {2014}, number = {210}, month = {2014-02-01 00:02:00}, publisher = {Journal of Solid State Chemistry}, url = {https://tsapps.nist.gov/publication/get_pdf.cfm?pub_id=914673}, language = {en}, }