author = {Jiazheng Hao and Fengxia Hu and Jian-Tao Wang and Fei-Ran Shen and Zibing Yu and Houbo Zhou and Hui Wu and Qingzhen Huang and Kaiming Qiao and Jing Wang and Jun He and Lunhua He and Ji-Rong Sun and Baogen Shen},
title = {Large Enhancement of Magnetocaloric and Barocaloric Effects by Hydrostatic Pressure in La(Fe0.92Co0.08)11.9Si1.1 with a NaZn13-Type Structure},
year = {2020},
number = {32},
month = {2020-03-10 00:03:00},
publisher = {Chemistry of Materials},
url = {https://tsapps.nist.gov/publication/get_pdf.cfm?pub_id=929397},
language = {en},