@article{810201, author = {Alexander Skripov and Mirjana Dimitrievska and Olga Babanova and R. Skoryunov and Alexei Soloninin and Fabrice Morelle and Y. Filinchuk and Antonio Faraone and Hui Wu and Wei Zhou and Terrence Udovic}, title = {Low-Temperature Rotational Tunneling of Tetrahydroborate Anions in Lithium Benzimidazolate-Borohydride Li2(blm)BH4}, year = {2019}, number = {123}, month = {2019-08-07 00:08:00}, publisher = {Journal of Physical Chemistry C}, url = {https://tsapps.nist.gov/publication/get_pdf.cfm?pub_id=927921}, language = {en}, }