@article{794276, author = {J Dwyer and Mary Picciano and J. Betz and Kenneth Fisher and L Saldanha and Elizabeth Yetley and Paul Coates and John Milner and Jackie Whitted and Vicki Burt and K Radimer and Jaimie Wilger and Katherine Sharpless and Joanne Holden and K Andrews and Janet Roseland and Cuiwei Zhao and Amy Schweitzer and J Harnly and W Wolf and C Perry}, title = {Progress in Developing Dietary Supplement Databases: Analytically Validated Dietary Supplement Ingredient Database (DSID) and Dietary Supplement Label Database (DSLD) at NIH s Office of Dietary Supplements}, year = {2008}, number = {21}, month = {2008-04-24 00:04:00}, publisher = {Journal of Food Composition and Analysis}, language = {en}, }