@article{791081, author = {Eric Muckley and Michael Naguib and Hsiu-Wen Wang and Lukas Vlcek and Naresh Osti and Robert Sacci and Xiahan Sang and Raymond Unocic and Yu Xie and Madhu Tyagi and Eugene Mamontov and Katharine Page and Paul Kent and Jagjit Nanda and Ilia Ivanov}, title = {Multimodality of Structural, Electrical, and Gravimetric Responses of Intercalated MXenes to Water}, year = {2017}, number = {11}, month = {2017-11-28 00:11:00}, publisher = {ACS Nano}, url = {https://tsapps.nist.gov/publication/get_pdf.cfm?pub_id=923963}, language = {en}, }