@article{789161, author = {B. Ueland and A. Kreyssig and K. Prokes and Jeffrey Lynn and Leland Harriger and D.K. Pratt and D.K. Singh and T.W. Heitmann and S. Sauerbrei and S.M. Saunders and E. Mun and S. Bud'Ko and R.J. McQueeney and P. Canfield and A. Goldman}, title = {Fragile Antiferromagnetism in the Heavy-Fermion Compound YbBiPt}, year = {2014}, number = {89}, month = {2014-05-08 00:05:00}, publisher = {Physical Review Letters}, url = {https://tsapps.nist.gov/publication/get_pdf.cfm?pub_id=915264}, language = {en}, }