@article{787531, author = {Gang Cheng and Zelin Liu and Jaclyn Murton and Michael Jablin and Manish Dubey and Jaroslaw Majewski and Candice Halbert and James Browning and John Ankner and Bulent Akgun and Chao Wang and Alan Esker and Kenneth Sale and Blake. Simmons and Michael Kent}, title = {Neutron Reflectometry and QCM-D Study of the Interaction of Cellulases with Films of Amorphous Cellulose}, year = {2011}, number = {12}, month = {2011-05-09 00:05:00}, publisher = {Biomacromolecules}, url = {https://tsapps.nist.gov/publication/get_pdf.cfm?pub_id=908662}, language = {en}, }