@conference{758836, author = {J. Bretagne and T. Simko and G. Gousset and MVVS. Rao and Richard Van Brunt and Yicheng Wang and James Olthoff and B. Peko and R. Champion}, title = {Distributions of H+, H2+, H3+ Ions in Townsend Discharge and Determination of their Collision Cross Sections}, year = {1996}, number = {20 E}, month = {1996-09-01 00:09:00}, publisher = {ESCAMPIG Europhysics Conference Abstracts, Thirteenth European Sectional Conf. on the Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionised Gases, Poprad, 1, PL}, url = {https://tsapps.nist.gov/publication/get_pdf.cfm?pub_id=4744}, language = {en}, }