@article{754046, author = {Nile Oldham and Thomas Nelson and R. Bergeest and G. Ramm and R. Carranza and A. Corney and M. Gibbes and Gregory Kyriazis and H. Laiz and L. Liu and Z. Lu and U. Pogliano and K. Rydler and E. Shapiro and E. So and M. Temba and P. Wright}, title = {An International Comparison of 50/60 Hz Power (1996-1999)}, year = {2001}, number = {50}, month = {2001-04-01 00:04:00}, publisher = {IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement}, url = {https://tsapps.nist.gov/publication/get_pdf.cfm?pub_id=947}, language = {en}, }