@article{1212356, author = {Douglas Bennett and W.Bertrand (Randy) Doriese and Malcolm Durkin and Joseph Fowler and Johnathon Gard and Gene C. Hilton and Kelsey Morgan and Galen O'Neil and Carl D. Reintsema and Dan Schmidt and Daniel Swetz and Joel Ullom and Takuma Okumura}, title = {Proof-of-Principle Experiment for Testing Strong-Field Quantum Electrodynamics with Exotic Atoms: High Precision X-Ray Spectroscopy of Muonic Neon}, year = {2023}, number = {130}, month = {2023-04-27 04:04:00}, publisher = {Physical Review Letters}, url = {https://tsapps.nist.gov/publication/get_pdf.cfm?pub_id=933664}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.130.173001}, language = {en}, }