@misc{1207291, author = {Meltem Sonmez Turan and Kerry McKay and Donghoon Chang and Jinkeon Kang and Noah Waller and John M. Kelsey and Lawrence E. Bassham and Deukjo Hong}, title = {Status Report on the Final Round of the NIST Lightweight Cryptography Standardization Process}, year = {2023}, month = {2023-06-16 04:06:00}, publisher = {NIST Interagency/Internal Report (NISTIR), National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD}, url = {https://tsapps.nist.gov/publication/get_pdf.cfm?pub_id=936814}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.6028/NIST.IR.8454}, language = {en}, }