TAC 2010 Knowledge Base Population (KBP2010) Track


Question Answering and Information Extraction have been studied over the past decade; however evaluation has generally been limited to isolated targets or small scopes (i.e., single documents). The Knowledge Base Population (KBP) Track at TAC 2010 will explore extraction of information about entities with reference to an external knowledge source. Using basic schema for persons, organizations, and locations, nodes in an ontology must be created and populated using unstructured information found in text. A collection of Wikipedia Infoboxes will serve as a rudimentary initial knowledge representation.

What's New

September 12: System Description paper deadline and instructions are up!

July 1: 55 teams registered for the task so far!

June 14: Task definition is updated.

Apr 1: Participant annotation guideline is posted.

Mar 13: KBP participants may be interested in the joint RTE-KBP pilot task for validating slots.

Organizing Committee

Hoa Trang Dang (NIST, hoa.dang@nist.gov)

Ralph Grishman (Coordinator, New York University, grishman@cs.nyu.edu)

Heng Ji (Coordinator, City University of New York, hengji@cs.qc.cuny.edu)

Paul McNamee (Johns Hopkins University, paul.mcnamee@jhuapl.edu)

Boyan Onyshkevych (Department of Defense)

Heather Simpson (LDC, hsimpson@ldc.upenn.edu

Stephanie M. Strassel (LDC, strassel@ldc.upenn.edu)