@article{920496, author = {Thomas J. Silva and Hans Nembach and Mark Keller and Justin Shaw and Nanna Hagstrom and Michael Schneider and Nico Kerber and Alexander Yaroslavtsev and Erick Parra and Eric Fullerton and Oleg Shpyrko and Christian Gutt and Hermann Durr and Ezio Iacocca and Roopali Kukreja and stefano Bonetti and Emmanuelle Jal}, title = {Megahertz-rate Ultrafast X-ray Scattering and Holographic Imaging at the European XFEL}, year = {2022}, number = {29}, month = {2022-08-23 04:08:00}, publisher = {Journal of Synchrotron Radiation}, url = {https://tsapps.nist.gov/publication/get_pdf.cfm?pub_id=935238}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1107/S1600577522008414}, language = {en}, }