@article{789531, author = {Hilary Godwin and Catherine Nameth and David Avery and Lynn Bergeson and Elizabeth Beryt and Wlliam Boyd and Amy Clippinger and Christine Hendren and Patricia Holden and Keith Houck and Agnes Kane and Frederick Klaessig and Tong Lee and Iseult Lynch and Timothy Malloy and Mary Miller and Gunter Oberdorster and Elijah Petersen and Vicki Stone and Andre Nel}, title = {A perspective on the use of nanomaterial categorization for risk assessment and regulatory decision-making}, year = {2015}, month = {2015-03-19 00:03:00}, publisher = {ACS Nano}, url = {https://tsapps.nist.gov/publication/get_pdf.cfm?pub_id=917173}, language = {en}, }